Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gypsie Queen Shisha

This shisha recipe turned out fairly well, though some changes were made after smoking the first attempt. I call this one Gypsie Queen (it made me think of Santana's "Black Magic Woman"):


- Organic American Spirit Handrolling Tobacco

- 2 bags of Zhena's Gypsy Tea: Coconut Chai Black Tea

- Honey

- Glycerin (edible) Ex: vegetable

- Coconut Flavor

- Vanilla Extract


1. The first thing you are going to want to do is "wash" your handrolling tobacco. This takes the "harshness" of the tobacco (I've noticed that when this isn't done, the tobacco flavor masks the flavors you've added). Take your tobacco and steep it in hot water. Leave it in the water for 30 minutes to an hour. Then drain the tobacco and repeat the process until the water you drain is almost clear.

2. Once the water looks clear, steep the tobacco one last time with one of the tea bags. Let it sit for at least an hour, then drain the water from your tobacco and throw away the tea bag.

3. You now want to dry the tobacco. I prefer to spread it out on a sheet pan and sticking it out in the sun. You can also dry in the oven, setting it at about 170 degrees.

4. Take your dry tobacco and place in mixing bowl. Cut open your second tea bag and add contents to tobacco.

5. Now it's time to add the coconut flavor and vanilla extract. It is hard to measure exactly how much to use (depends on how much tobacco you are using), but you should be able to tell by the smell of your shisha when finished.

6. Now add your honey. Add enough that your tobacco's consistency looks moist, but not runny (I assume most of you have seen what shisha consistency looks like when you've purchased Starbuzz, etc).
*Tip: If you heat your honey in the microwave for around 10 seconds, it will be easier to mix with your tobacco.

7. Finally, add your glycerin. The glycerin keeps your tobacco from charring and gives you that nice, full smoke/vapor. Again, the amount depends on how much shisha you're making, but be generous. Watch your consistency though (adjust with more honey if you need to).

8. Put your shisha in a plastic baggy or airtight container and let it sit at LEAST overnight (I prefer a day at least).

That's it! I hope your shisha turns out well. Please feel free to leave comments!

Side note: I also steeped an extra tea bag, cooled the tea, and then used it in my hookah base with some ice. This added a nice touch, but totally optional!


Welcome to my blog! I am starting this blog to take you along with me as I experiment with making homemade shisha. I will be creating, trying, and smoking shisha recipes and letting you know how it goes.

Keep checking in and feel free to comment!
